Project Years: 2005
FS Engineers provided the following services for P.J. Albert, Inc., which were associated with the realignment and full depth reconstruction of the intersection of Route 122, Route 32, and Valley Road in Barre, MA. The highway and intersection realignment project was undertaken by the MassHighway Department. The construction activities are to include constructing and/or replacing
drainage structures, pipes, curbs, and berms; installing, replacing, and/or repairing hot mix asphalt, and pavement markings; tree trimming, traffic control, cleaning drainage structures and pipes, erosion/sedimentation control measures and other incidental items.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
FS Engineers prepared a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) to provide stormwater management guidelines during construction activities. The SWPPP was prepared in accordance with the General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity. The SWPPP contained information concerning the potential stormwater contaminants, stormwater management controls, and the maintenance and inspection of these controls.
Health and Safety Plan
FSE prepared a health and safety plan which was to be implemented if contaminated soils were encountered during site work. The plan covered, among other things, the site organization, environmental and personal monitoring and emergency procedures and contacts.
Utility-Related Abatement Measure
FSE prepared the required documentation for a Utility-Related Abatement Measure (URAM) at the intersection of Route 122 and Route 32. During construction activities to install the new drainage system, contaminated soil was encountered approximately two feet below ground surface. Oral notification was given to the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) of the contaminated material and a Release Tracking Number (RTN) was assigned to the Site. A release notification form and URAM transmittal form were submitted to the DEP. Provided construction observation and field monitoring during URAM implementation. Following completion of construction activities related to the RTN, a URAM completion statement will be submitted to the DEP.