Project Years: 2003-2004
Topsoil and Ash Characterization at Chicopee High School: Chicopee, MA
FS Engineers performed an assessment and characterization of topsoil generated during construction activities at Chicopee High School. Approximately, 10,000 cubic yard topsoil was removed from the footprint of the proposed building area and stockpiled on-site.
Ten composite soil samples were collected from the stockpile, and the analytical data was reviewed by FSE. Based on the available information, the suitability for on-site reuse and off-site disposal were presented to the client.
FSE also provided a preliminary characterization of fill samples containing ash to determine the suitability for off-site disposal or on-site reuse, if applicable. Based on laboratory analysis, it was determined that the material should be managed in accordance with the DEP policy COMM 97-001, Reuse and Disposal of Contaminated Soil at Massachusetts Landfills. The ash was discovered at the proposed location of the groundwater infiltration system to comply with the recharge requirements of the storm water management policy. Based upon ash characterization, the infiltration system was relocated.
Soil Characterization at Fenway Park: Boston, MA
FS Engineers performed characterization of the top soil at the Fenway Park. The planned reconstruction at the park included the removal of existing topsoil, installation of new subsurface drainage system, realignment of surface drainage pattern, and installation of new topsoil and turf. Utilizing a Geoprobe, FS Engineers collected samples of existing loam and analyzed for appropriate parameters. The Geoprobe was driven on top of wood boards to sampling locations in order to minimize impact to the field. Based upon sampling analyses disposal recommendations were proposed.